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Meeting venue

The meeting will take place in the Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord, Emscherstraße 71, in 47137 Duisburg. See below for a map.

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Arrival at Düsseldorf airport: 
The city railway station is directly attached to the airport, simple follow the signs. Tickets can be bought on the way to the platforms in a DB shop. Train RE1/2/5/6/11 takes about 10 min. to Duisburg central station.

Plan with Google Maps

Arrival at Duisburg central station: 

Plan with Google Maps

Blower House Complex

Fourfold flexibility

The Blower House Complex comprises four halls, each of which can be used on its own or in combination. Two Foyers, Blower House, Pump House and the Compressor Room are presentation areas rich in variety and with a unique ambience. Mighty wind compressors, intricate pipe work and elegant architectural lighting endow the Blower House Complex with a distinctive charm.

The whole complex reveals its full potential when staging corporate functions, gala events, product launches, parties, award ceremonies, conferences, conventions and concerts. You want to divide your event up into different points of emphasis? No problem in the Blower House Complex. Your event can be enjoyed by up to 1,500 people.

If you need any further information, our events management team will be happy to help you at any time.


Foyer: 370 m²
Compressor room: 240 m²
Pump house: 355 m²
Theatre hall: 620 m²
Machine foyer: 620 m²


The Blower House Complex can host events for 40 to 1,200 people. The exact capacity is dependent on the combination of the individual halls, furnishing and technical equipment.


Counter, cloakroom, screen, projector, sound system, poser tables, machinery from operational times.


Industrial monument

The Landscape Park Duisburg Nord is the outstanding example of a new type of park shaped by industry. At the centre of an area of about 180 hectares, stands the decommissioned Thyssen ironworks in Duisburg-Meiderich. From 1901 to 1985 the works produced pig iron - as a rule as a primary product for further processing in Thyssen's steel works.

Today, visitors can explore the old ironworks as a “living” industrial monument. With its three blast furnaces standing in a row, bunkers, inclined lifts and casthouses, Meiderich ironworks conveys the traditional image of a turn-of-the-century blast furnace plant.

Visitors have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the production process, from delivery of the raw materials to removal of the pig iron. Blast Furnace 5 in particular is the perfect place to gain a very realistic picture of the impressive production chain of the former ironworks.

Such a comprehensive building stock is unique in the Ruhr District, and also exceptional throughout Germany. What gets architects so excited is that only in Meiderich have the original buildings been so sensibly supplemented with the plants of the post-war period. This is why the whole blast furnace complex has been a listed building since 2000.

But what does the term Landscape Park Duisburg Nord actually entail?

Industrial history circular trail

An industrial history circular trail reveals information about the past and the present; and there are gardens, meadows and expanses of water and a natural landscape where nature has grown back, reclaiming its terrain from industry. Visitors can devise a route of their choosing through the park, with the help of information columns and signs on the buildings and throughout the site.

Lots of information columns and signs are equipped with Park+Points. By scanning these QR codes using a suitable app on a smartphone, visitors to the park can access a wide range of information and store them direct to their mobile phone and explore the parklands for themselves in all sorts of ways.

The footpaths in the Landscape Park are as far as possible barrier-free. Dogs are always most welcome in the park.

Enjoy exploring the Landscape Park!

Recent updates as of 10/14/2022